From the Capitol

Public safety issues have been top of mind for everyone recently, including those of us in the Legislature. Theft, drug proliferation, dangerous driving, and other problematic occurrences have been putting too many people in harm’s way. We spent the past Session working on solutions to better protect business owners, motorists, shoppers, and our communities at large.

California’s complex economy and population of 40 million people requires us to constantly be evolving and adapting to the changing needs of our state.

Senator Allen Speaking from Desk on Floor

This two-year session saw many wins for our climate, working families, students, and communities at large. Some of the bills I authored, co-authored or managed:


As I continue to chair the Senate Environmental Quality Committee and co-chair the California Environmental Legislative Caucus, advancing California’s environmental stewardship policies remains a top priority for me.

California made significant strides this year in teeing up important investments for climate infrastructure, reducing waste, protecting communities for toxins, and establishing greater corporate accountability.

Responding to Gun Violence and Drug Abuse