Senator Ben Allen Re-Appointed Vice-Chair of Defense and Aerospace Committee
SACRAMENTO, CA — Senator Ben Allen (D – Santa Monica) has been re-appointed as the Vice-Chair of the California State Senate’s Select Committee on Defense and Aerospace. The committee brings together state lawmakers to focus on policies that will help retain and expand these industries, and the more than 203,000 jobs they support, in California.
“Southern California has been a national leader in aerospace innovation and production. The aerospace industry has been integral to the growth and livelihood of communities I represent. With the recent interest in developing private space exploration from companies in my district, we are gearing up for a renaissance in the industry. As Vice-Chair of the select committee, I’m committed to listening to and supporting the many dedicated men and women who work in aerospace and defense,” said Senator Allen.
The California aerospace industry’s revenues are estimated at $61.6 billion annually, nearly equivalent to the state’s revenues in entertainment and agriculture industries combined.
Allen’s Senate District 26 encompasses the Westside and South Bay of Los Angeles County. The South Bay has been called the “brain trust” of the aerospace industry, originating innovations in aerospace research such as weather forecasting, wireless and long distance telecommunications, computer joysticks, water filters, the artificial heart and the electric car. The industry employs tens of thousands of South Bay residents in high-skilled, quality jobs.
Senator Allen’s district also is home to the Los Angeles Air Force Base in El Segundo, the only active duty military base in the LA area, which develops and sustains military space systems, including GPS, satellite communications, defense meteorological satellites, and space-based infrared systems.
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California State Senator Ben Allen represents the 26th Senate District, which consists of the Westside, Hollywood and coastal South Bay communities of Los Angeles County.
Follow Senator Allen on Twitter: @BenAllenCA; Facebook: www.facebook.com/BenAllenCalifornia; and Instagram: @BenAllenCA.