Senator Allen Responds to Decision to Redraft SB 54 Regulations

SACRAMENTO – Senator Ben Allen (D-Santa Monica), author of SB 54 (2021-22), released the following statement in response to the Governor’s decision to delay the implementation of CalRecycle’s drafted regulations for SB 54.


“This law has always been about affordability - it’s been increasingly difficult for our cities and counties to handle the endless influx of plastics into our waste stream and they have been forced to increase rates on regular folks over and over again. We’re certainly disappointed that the regulations are not going forward on time and as planned. But we’re hopeful the administration and agency can move swiftly this go around, learn from the intense stakeholder negotiations we’ve been involved with over the past few days, and come out with revised regulations that get us on track toward swift implementation of the law. When that happens, it’ll be a win for both our environment and ratepayers.”