Senator Allen Proposes Climate Resiliency Bond Measure for 2024 Statewide Ballot
SACRAMENTO – Following his introduction of Senate Bill 867, a state general obligation bond to address California’s desperate need for expanded climate resiliency and natural resources protection, Senator Ben Allen (D-Santa Monica) issued the following statement.
“Climate change is evident all around us, having brought with it monumental threats ranging from unbridled sea-level rise to record-breaking wildfires. With the support of my legislative partners, I authored SB 867 to provide crucial investments that build upon the foundational $10 billion spent in recent state budgets. The bond funding will also ensure continued mitigation of the climate impacts we already see along with preparation for the additional challenges to come for agriculture, water supply, forests, watersheds, human and animal health, and more.”
Alongside Senator Allen, SB 867 was authored by Senators Josh Becker, Bill Dodd, Anthony Portantino, and Henry Stern. Senator Allen chairs the Senate Environmental Quality Committee and co-chairs the Legislative Environmental Caucus.
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Ben Allen represents the 24th State Senate District, which consists of the Westside, Hollywood, South Bay, and Santa Monica Mountains communities of Los Angeles County.