Senator Allen Appointed to Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy
SACRAMENTO, CA — Senator Ben Allen (D – Santa Monica) has been appointed by the Senate Rules Committee to the Governing Board of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. Senator Allen will be assuming the seat previously held by former State Senator Fran Pavley.
The Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy, established in 1980 by the California State Legislature, has preserved more than 72,000 acres of parkland, and has improved more than 114 public recreational facilities. It also distributes grants to educational nonprofit organizations that serve hundreds of thousands of children and park visitors. Its mission is to “preserve, protect, restore, and enhance treasured pieces of Southern California to form an interlinking system of urban, rural and river parks, open space, trails, and wildlife habitats that are easily accessible to the general public.”
“As a boy, I spent many days exploring the many wonderful canyons of the Santa Monica Mountains with my father and friends, and I continue to enjoy the mountains today. Needless to say, I’ve come to realize how much my life, and the lives of so many fellow Angelenos has been enriched by the invaluable work of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy. I am honored to have the opportunity to serve on its board and direct policy to help preserve precious parks, wildlife habitats and open space for generations to come,” said Senator Allen.
Senator Allen’s district encompasses much of the Santa Monica Mountains Conservancy Zone from Temescal Canyon to Runyon Canyon and includes beaches and parks in Santa Monica, Pacific Palisades, Beverly Hills, the Hollywood Hills, and the Mulholland corridor.
Senator Allen co-chairs the California State Senate’s Environmental Caucus and sits on the Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Water. He also serves as a member of the California Coastal Conservancy.
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California State Senator Ben Allen represents the 26th Senate District, which consists of the Westside, Hollywood and coastal South Bay communities of Los Angeles County.
Follow Senator Allen on Twitter: @BenAllenCA; Facebook:; and Instagram: @BenAllenCA.